The work of the Commission has received widespread media coverage.  Thanks are owed to local media for their strong support of our efforts to promote ethical decision making.  Articles in print and other citations of media coverage are listed below.  Please note that the print articles and the same articles from the Internet, where links are provided, may have slightly different titles, and some online articles may only be provided for a limited period of time.

SEAC Media Coverage in 2019

Jan. 25, 2019
NWI TIMES article, titled, “Angry residents tell St. John leaders they expect transparency, ethical decision-making”
Link to article

Jan. 26, 2019
NWI TIMES article titled, “New ethics commission president takes ‘the bull by the horns’”
Link to article

Jan. 27, 2019
NWI TIMES article, by Allie Kirkman, titled, “Klein leads ethics panel”
Link to article

April 5, 2019
NWI TIMES article titled, “Ethics training a ‘first line of defense’ against Region’s public corruption, U.S. Attorney Kirsch says”
Link to article

April 11, 2019
The Regional News article by Cal Bellamy, titled, “Ethics in Government: A Work in Progress” (LaPorte County newspapers available through Kiel Media).

April 18, 2019
NWI TIMES article by Cal Bellamy, titled, “GUEST COMMENTARY: Ethics in government is a work in progress”
Link to article

May 5, 2019
NWI TIMES article by SEAC, titled, “Which NWI candidates commit to ethics in government?”
Link to article

May 7, 2019
NWI TIMES article titled, “Crown Point Mayor signs ethics pledge”
Link to article

October 2019
Midwest Social Sciences Journal Volume 22 article by Calvin Bellamy titled, “Citizen Initiative to Improve Local Government Ethics: Northwest Indiana Experience”
Link to article

Oct. 31, 2019
Westville Indicator and The Regional News article titled, “2019 Candidates Sign Ethics Pledge” (LaPorte County newspapers available through Kiel Media).

Nov. 5, 2019
NWI TIMES Editorial by The Times Editorial Board, titled “Demand real ethics, not just lip service, from candidates”
Link to article

Nov. 10, 2019
NWI TIMES Guest Commentary by Cal Bellamy and Dan Klein, titled, “Public employees speak out on local government ethics”
Link to article

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