The work of the Commission has received widespread media coverage. Thanks are owed to local media for their strong support of our efforts to promote ethical decision making. Articles in print and other citations of media coverage are listed below. Please note that the print articles and the same articles from the Internet, where links are provided, may have slightly different titles, and some online articles may only be provided for a limited period of time.
SEAC Media Coverage in 2012
Dec. 16, 2012
Post-Tribune article titled, “Ethics complaint against Portage mayor dropped.”
Oct. 30, 2012
Post-Tribune article titled, “Ethical dilemmas examined.”
Oct. 30, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Public officials attend ethics training.”
Oct. 9, 2012
One Region, Quality of Life Indicators report referencing SEAC’s work in the report’s government section.
Oct. 5, 2012
NWI Times editorial titled, “Shore up public’s trust in local government.”
Sept. 23, 2012
NWI Times guest editorial titled, “Indicators point way for improved quality of life,” by Dan Lowry.
Sept. 20, 2012
NWI Times editorial titled, “Dyer situation shows need for new law.”
Sept. 15, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Conflict of interest is suggested with Cinko.”
Sept. 12, 2012
Post-Tribune article titled, “Dyer cop may vote on pension benefit.”
Sept. 6, 2012
Lake County Bar Association flyer announcing SEAC presentation to the Association’s Municipal Law Section.
Aug. 28, 2012
NWI Times editorial titled, “Philpot provides incentive for ethics training.”
Aug. 26, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Society honors top innovation for August.”
Aug. 23, 2012
NWI Times photo titled, “What’s the ethical response.”
August 2012
Society of Innovators newsletter announcing SEAC’s induction into the Society of Innovators of Northwest Indiana.
April 19, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Merrillville contemplates joining ethics group.”
April 10, 2012
NWI Times editorial titled, “Ethics movement worth joining.”
April 6, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Officials: NWI ethics movement taking hold.”
April 6, 2012
Post-Tribune article titled, “Judge: Keep shining light on corruption.”
April 5, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Mayor pushes for East Chicago to join Shared Ethics Commission.”
April 5, 2012
Post-Tribune article titled, “East Chicago mayor wants to join Ethics Commission.”
April 5, 2012
Lakeshore Public TV reports on the work of SEAC.
March 13, 2012
NWI Times editorial titled, “Indictment promotes ethics in government.”
Feb. 28, 2012
Lakeshore Public Radio interview on SEAC’s work.
Feb. 28, 2012
NWI Times editorial titled, “Benchmarks for true progress in Gary.”
Feb. 24, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Freeman-Wilson sees challenges, progress.”
Feb. 19, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Dyer latest municipality to join Ethics Commission.”
Feb. 5, 2012
NWI Times article titled, “Trained on a NEW ERA.”
Jan. 30, 2012
NWI Times editorial titled, “Ethics wagon picking up speed.”
Jan. 19, 2012
NWI Times editorial titled, “Lake officials join ethics movement.”
Jan. 19, 2012
Post-Tribune article titled, “New Commissioners’ assistant sent home.”
Jan. 12, 2012
NWI Times guest editorial titled, “Top 10 list for ensuring ethics in government,” by Larry Tumbleson.