The work of the Commission has received widespread media coverage.  Thanks are owed to local media for their strong support of our efforts to promote ethical decision making.  Articles in print and other citations of media coverage are listed below.  Please note that the print articles and the same articles from the Internet, where links are provided, may have slightly different titles, and some online articles may only be provided for a limited period of time.

SEAC Media Coverage in 2023

Feb. 27, 2023
Post Tribune article titled, “Shared Ethics Advisory Committee adds 5 members”

April 6,  2023
Westville Indicator article titled, “Ethics Commission Challenges Local Candidates”

April 6, 2023
The Regional News article titled, “Ethics Commission Challenges Local Candidates”

April 26 & 30, 2023
Ad highlighting 2023 Primary Candidates who signed the SEAC Candidate Ethics Pledge

May 14, 2023
NWI Times article titled, “Surely NWI can do better” by Cal Bellamy
Link to Article

June 17, 2023
NWI Times article titled, “New leaders for NWI ethics group”
Link to article

Aug. 24, 2023
Westville Indicator article titled, “Ethics Summit being Planned” by Cal Bellamy

Aug. 24, 2023
The Regional News article titled, “Ethics Summit being Planned” by Cal Bellamy

Aug. 24, 2023
Post Tribune article titled, “CP touts ethics training” by Jim Masters

Aug. 27, 2023
NWI Times article titled, “Ethics Summit being planned” by Cal Bellamy
Link to article

Sept. 7, 2023
Westville Indicator article titled, “Greater commitment for codes of ethics for local government?” by
Leigh Morris

Sept. 7, 2023
The Regional News article article titled, “Greater commitment for codes of ethics for local
government?” by Leigh Morris

Sept. 7, 2023
The South Bend Tribune article titled, “A code of ethics needed for local governments in Indiana” by
Leigh Morris

Sept. 17, 2023
NWI Times article titled, “Greater commitment to codes of ethics for local government?” by Leigh
Link to article

Sept. 21, 2023
Westville Indicator and The Regional News articles titled, “Registration open for SEAC Ethics Summit”

Sept. 24, 2023 to Oct. 22, 2023
NWI Times free ads for 2023 SEAC Ethics Summit (Sunday and Wednesday papers)

Oct. 8, 2023
NWI Times article titled, “Time to adopt a code of ethics” by Leigh Morris

Oct. 22, 2023
NWI Times Ad highlighting 2023 Candidates who signed the SEAC Candidate Ethics Pledge

Oct. 25, 2023
NWI Times article titled, “Panel: Ethics key element in gaining public trust”
Link to article

Nov. 5, 2023
NWI Times Ad highlighting 2023 Candidates who signed the SEAC Candidate Ethics Pledge

Dec. 3, 2023
NWI Times article titled, “Local government ethics: 2023 update” by Cal Bellamy
Link to article

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